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Series The Lighthouses


Communicate the fascination about the beauty of the St. Lawrence River


A soft and salty encounter - or Where soft meets salty

Musings on the St. Lawrence River's estuary, in contemporary art

All real life is meeting. 

-Martin Buber 

The St. Lawrence River's estuary is the place that marries the fresh water of the river to the salt water of the gulf. It is the largest estuary in the world. The union of these waters generates an abundant biodiversity, capped by miles of unique and majestic maritime landscapes. 
Inherently in my exhibitions, the works of art are imbued with the spirit of balance and contemplation of the great maritime landscapes, as precious as they are magnificent. 


Like abstract horizons turned towards the future, my creations are, for me, a means of establishing a point of contact with the richness and the beauty of our estuary.

There, where I live, is a river that shines

When I paint it, I am inspired

The horizon is the balance

The substance is the strength

The colours are the personality of the work.



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